
Submission Standards

  • Manuscripts should be in Shunn Modern Manuscript format, or a similar standard.

  • Unless otherwise specified, please only submit a manuscript for one entry, even if it qualifies for multiple entries. Choose which one suits best.

The submission process is easily the most difficult part of the publishing process, emotionally, if not necessarily physically. There are typically more submissions than room for publishers to accept them. The most important thing to remember is that any rejections are not personal.

Below is a list of the requirements for submissions to AEA Press, and any of its imprints.

  • Unless otherwise specified by a publisher, manuscripts may be submitted to multiple publishers at a time.

  • Should an author have representation, that representation should submit on their behalf.

  • All submissions to AEA Press will receive a response in the form of a letter for acceptance or is being passed on.

  • Please submit in .PDF, .doc, or .odt format. PDF is preferred.

  • Please submit as a single document, including any synopsis.

Arizona Showcase Anthology

In an effort to celebrate the horror community of Arizona, AEA Press will be sponsoring an anthology featuring short stories assembled from writers all over the state.


  • Open to all writers. Non-exclusive pre-submitted content is acceptable.


  • Each story should be between approximately 5,000 – 10,000 words. Stories as low as 2,500, or shorter material like poetry will be accepted, and up to 15,000 will be considered but efforts should be made to stay close to the median word count.

  • Shorter content, such as poetry, may be submitted.


  • Submitted stories should be of the horror genre. All sub-genres of horror will be accepted.

  • The setting or theme of the story should be centered around or within the state of Arizona.

  • Due to distributor policies, some explicit content may require editing to qualify. This will be addressed with each author, as necessary.


  • Accepted stories: $20.00 and a complimentary copy of the printed book and ebook.

Please refer to submission guidelines above before emailing your submission to:

Deadline: 12/15/2024