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(623) 282-2861


  • While nobody can tell you what you should do, we know something cannot be read if it is not written. There may be a thousand books on tree stumps, but nobody has read YOUR book on tree stumps.

  • Rejections are hard and time does not make them easier. The most important thing to remember is that publishers often plan things out years in advance and what you have presented may be perfect, but it is just the wrong time. Do not give up, and continue submitting. Obtaining a literary agent, while challenging, can also be helpful.

  • We do not and will not ever charge an author for publishing their work. We are a full service publisher and derive our income from the sale of printed works. Authors wishing to self-publish may wish to use our Author Services, which is a separate service we offer from traditional publishing.

  • We take submissions from time to time. If there are any open submissions, they will be listed on our Submissions page.